Salam and hello to all. Apa khabar? How are you, guys?
I just wanna say hello.......
I am a bit dizzy.......feeling not so well. Suddenly jadi cenggini di tempat org. OMG !!! Anyway, we`re safe son still sleeping. He`s such a bright boy. And understands my situation, too. Tak nangis pun.......just m`rengek nak tido.
"Be good, son!!! Mama feeling not so well." - I said to my little boy.
I can`t stand too long in front of this screen of lappy.......dizzy!! And sleepy.....
I just wanna say hello.......
I am a bit dizzy.......feeling not so well. Suddenly jadi cenggini di tempat org. OMG !!! Anyway, we`re safe son still sleeping. He`s such a bright boy. And understands my situation, too. Tak nangis pun.......just m`rengek nak tido.
"Be good, son!!! Mama feeling not so well." - I said to my little boy.
I can`t stand too long in front of this screen of lappy.......dizzy!! And sleepy.....
Well, I have a few photos to share with you all, guys.
Welcome to Amsterdam !!!!

This is the airport - Top 10 Best Airport 2009.
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS)
I missed Nasi Lemak Daun Pisang and Home-made Cengkodok Pisang. We only had this for our breakfast......can you guys imagine this, can`t you?? It`s totally not good enough.....kesian kat my son. I will try to look for better meals for dlm peyut aku pun nak makan yg best2 gak.

Here is our bedroom....the cool and calm place to get rest and sleep at night, I guess so. Ahahkkss...........

I think I can be a good chef in this great kitchen........

Very cool........."old school" telly. Interesting !!! Do you think I can watch Spongebob Squarepants?? Don`t expect......
"Any Spongebob Squarepants in The Netherlands?"

p/s : I`m gonna get back to sleep. Nanti aku sambung lagi.......ngantuk siot !!!
p/s : This is 1st time I talked about my least, a bit of about him. Nobody knows that I have a son......aku tak pernah citer kat s`siapa pun. To me, I prefer to talk about my self. Enough!! I have many reasons why I hide and protect my kid. FULL STOP !!!!
Hope you guys get what I meant.....and do understand, too, please. This is the way how I survive with my son.....I protect him very much. No one can hold or touch him with dirty hands. I`m a mother and knowing him very well and what is best for his life.......
salam zyma darling,
tu arrrrrrrrr, tertanya2 gak ni
anak mana lagi ni, bukan baru pregnant ke? anak ur hubby ke?
btw, enjoy ur trip, take care of urself , take ur sweet times
tepek byk lagi gambo2 ya
anak adalah anugerah yg terindah, memang patut dijaga sebaiknya.
makanan kita mmg varieties.... tempat luar mmg tak leh lawan, take care :)
balik ni nak buat cengkodok pisang laaaa...
ko nak?? nanti aku tolong kurierkan :P
W`salam Biru Deary,
I bawa my 1st child ke tgk gambar budak kat sebelah (side bar). It`s my son...that time aged 9 months ++
Biru, dulu I selalu d`serang dlm internet (via my blog) oleh ex-wife my hubby. That`s why I "simpan" kisah my 1st child nihhh. I rasa lebih selamat jika I b`buat cenggitu.
Even hingga skrg ni pun I rasa tak berapa nak yakin utk display gambar my son atau b`bicara byk2 ttg my son.
Benar cakap ko, Sayang.
Anak adalah anugerah yg t`indah, mmg patut d`jaga.
You take care...
Mak Su....
Rindu Laksam Kuala Kedah la pulak .....
Jom nanti kita makan Laksam, Mak Su.....hihihihi.
Ko buat cengkodok pisang tu jgn la sampai hangit tau.....aku suka makan yg rangup punye, KTS.
Jgn la ko kurier cengkodok pisang lak.....ntah bila nak sampai kat tangan aku pun tak tahu la kalau ko kurier. Kalau sampai pun, dah lunyai cengkodok pisang tu, KTS Laling.
You take care, KTS....
best nya jalan2..
Meh la jalan2 sama2.....bila letih, kita rehat jap ekkk!!
:) You take care...
Kak tie ni pantang tengok dapur bersih dan comel. Rasa nak terus bersilat kat situ, hihi....
Kayteezee a.k.a Kak Tie....
Dapur kan "rumah ke-2" org p`puan mcm kita....kong-kang, kong-kang (bunyi periuk belanga).
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