Alhamdulilah, Aqif is getting better. Only flu je yg masih ada. Thank you, God!!
This morning, Sara (my cousin) took us to the Noodermarkt, Amsterdam, to get some fresh things for our meals (lunch... and dinner, too).
The farmers market is located on the Noordermarkt, a delightful square nestled between the Westerstraat and the Prinsengracht in the heart of the very charming Jordaan quarter.
Specialist stalls carry an array of organic produced food: cheese, bread, vegetables, meat and flowers & plants of the season. There is a stall with the most delicious sausages, another stall has a stunning display of mushrooms and at another stall you can sample some delicious smoked mozzarella.
Over 30 stall holders arrive every Saturday before dawn to set up shop and they continue until 16:00. Around the market there are several nice cafes where can have a lovely cup of coffee.
For food lovers travelling to Amsterdam, this is an experience that should not be missed.
See, see.....what did Aqif get from Sara? A set of Play-House. Ishhhhh, mcm mana la aku nak bawa balik "harta karun" ni besok nihhhh??? Berat, ok........
"Thanks again, Sara. Thanks 4 loving my son. You`ve helped us a lot."

1 comment:
org baik mesti semua suka kan :P
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