1st time we met, they said hello to me and my son.
"Hellooo.....I`m Mary Jane. This Sue Anne. She is my sister." - Mary Jane
"Owh hye girls. Nice to meet you, girls. I`m gonna stay with Sara." - Aku
"Is this your baby? Can I play with your baby, please? Does he have teeth? " - Sue Anne
"Yes, of course. Please come to Sara`s place." - Aku
Mesra kan anak2 omputih? Mudah get along and be friended.......the best part yg aku dapati dlm diri the kids adalah diaorg selalu ucap selamat (greeting) dan please (tolong).
To Akak Tie, actually sy mmg tak fluent Dutch.............just a little. Huhuhuhu......sy ni dungu utk b`bahasa Dutch. A little will help us to get more........means, learn from A, B, C to reach Z. Sy tgh pelajari pelbagai bahasa......t`masuk Dutch.
To share some info with you guys, the Dutch are so fluent in English and moreover they are really friendly, we`ll have no problem to get along with them, Insya Allah. Almost ev`ryone in and around Amsterdam speaks English to a degree. Most Dutch people, especially the younger generation speaks English well. If we are in here for a longer stay, to work and may be even to live, we will need to learn Dutch to have any hope of earning a good living, like Sara (my cousin). People in Europe speak English. It is very required in most EU countries to start learning it in the kindergarten and throughout high school and college.
Huhuhuhu, jom la kita belajar pelbagai bahasa........tak rugi!!!
Mereka boleh speak English, ekk ? Ke... Zyma boleh faham Dutch ? Ajarlah sikit, hehe..
uiks.. bila lak ekau beranak ni? aderkkk
tak tau lak den nyer derr.. huhuhu
atau den yg tertinggal kapal! ahaks..
maza belajar english sebelum tumbuh gigi sampai nak lerah gigi, masih tak fasih2.. aderkkkkk..!!!
Kak Tie....
Maaf baru reply ur comment here...
K`kadang penyakit malas nak reply msg, comment, sms atau e-mail dtg dan m`jadi2....
Sy dah jwb kat n3 ni.....huhuhuhu.
Kanda Maza.....
Den mmg tak pernah citer kat sapa2 pun ttg my son....skrg dah hampir 15 months dah umur my son.
Sengaja tak nak tunjuk gambar dia kat sapa2 pun....
Bukannya apa, dulu ex-wife my hubby pernah hina my son ni anak tak baik la, anak luar nikah la, anak h*ram la......kesian kat my son. That`s why la den tak nak tunjuk. Biarlah rahsia.....
Ex-wife my hubby pernah kutuk yg tak baik ttg my son, tapi masih hidup d`takuk lama....masih singkat dan senteng fikirannya.
My son yg selalu d`hina dapat jugak m`langkah kaki atau m`jejaki bumi Amsterdam dan Melbourne tempoh hari dlm usia kecil b`sama den.
Mmg den sembunyikan my son...cukup la s`kadar m`baca kisah singkat dan tatap gambarnya yg hanya s`keping dua ni je.....
Hope you guys can understand me...
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