
Happy Birthday To me....

31 May ****....is my Birthday.

10 wishes that I may not leave behind during my Birth Day.

I wish I will :

1) be even more matured in making decision or thoughts.

2) be much, much, much healthier, prettier (hmmmm,boleh ke? Kulit dah kedut niiiii. Ahakkkkss) and happier most of the time.

3) have many children but ONE Hubby (Abg,I love you till the end of my life,Insya Allah.)

4) always be with my beloved family....no matter what, no matter how, no matter where and when.

5) have a lot of times to spend with my Hubby and our family for holiday.

6) have a BMW car, ONE FINE DAY,Insya Allah.

7) own a big and beautiful house to live happily with my beloved family.

8) have all life joys with me and my family.

9) be a good daughter to my Mama and Abah.

10) always be a great wife to My Beloved Hubby and mother to my kid(s), Insya Allah.

**Birthday Girl dah buat wish....sahabat2 kepada Birhday Girl tak nak wish "Happy Birthday" kat Birthday Girl ke? Nanti Birthday Girl kiss pipi uols. (Ayat perasan yg penuh dengan "rasuah" sambil buat muka sedih sbb nak hadiah Birthday.)


Tirana said...


Happy Birthday...! Kak Tirana tak ada hadiah istimewa nak bagi..cuma dari jauh kak tirana do'akan agar 10 wishes tu dimakbulkan oleh Allah.. dan mudah-mudahan hidup Zyma serta keluarga sentiasa di dalam keberkatan Allah.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday sayang !!

Moga2 berbahagialah dan wish list tu termakbul semuanya.......

Catwoman said...

Akak Tirana > TQ 4 the Birthday Wish.
Sy jg harap begitu. Setiap insan mmg byk m`harapkan yg terbaik utk diri sendiri & semua insan yg disayangi.
Akak Tirana, I wish u all the best,too.

Catwoman said...

Kak Tie Darling....

Semoga Kak Tie juga bahagia bersama family tersayang walau di mana jua berada.
Cuti sekolah tak pegi makan angin ke?

Take care ye,Kak Tie.

Mummy Dasy said...

hAPPY B'DAY N may all ur wishes comes true

Catwoman said...

Mummy Dasy...
Thanks ekkk. And may ur wishes come true,too.

Take care ye.....
